im weather
i think i draw and
sometimes other stuff too maybe
you can go onto the other sections

im weather
i think i draw and
sometimes other stuff too maybe
you can go onto the other sections
random dude from turkey
big fan of games like yume nikki/omori/earthbound also the binding of isaac for some reason
i spend most of my time drawing or rotting away, most of my drawings are fanart of the games or shows i like
been drawing for about 2 years now but only got serious about it this year so im still figuring it out, always practicing always (trying to) improve, you can find my work on my social medias or on the gallery
also you can contact me on twitter or on discord (weatherisback) if you need anything
also i also had a moderately successfull youtube channel a while ago but we dont talk about that
Q: Will Weather upload again?
im gonna use this like a blog maybe (i think??) will just write what im thinking about when i feel like it
probably gonna forget it exists for extended amounts of time
its been a good while since i last did anything on this site lole i sometimes forget i even have it
finally got around to updating the gallery here and some other minor stuff so thats cool also felt like i needed to update this page while i was at it
to whomever reads this i swear ill eventually use this thing at some point
artblock update its gotten worse ive made like a single drawing this whole week so far, every time i sit down to try to make something its never coming out right and i give up fast wagh but hey at least i finally updated the gallery here so theres that
im thinking about taking a small break from drawing for a little while so ill see how that goes and thats about it for now
i wonder if anyone reads any of these
whoops its been like a month since i posted anything here
anyways im not sure if its artblock but its been getting harder to find motivation to draw as much recently and evene when i want to im having a hard time coming up with what to even draw its like all my creativity was drained from my brain but idk
ive also been considering starting commisions to have things to do but im not so sure about it rn, will do an announcement about it if i even set something up
besides that all im still drawing at least one thing a day but yea its getting harder also i keep forgetting to update the gallery of the site lol
school started so stuff may slow down for a while but ill still try to keep up
made a list of my top 10 games a while ago and wanted to make a post about it here, the list is:
1- the binding of isaac
2- omori
3- undertale/deltarune
4- portal 2
5- minecraft
6- earthbound
7- yume nikki/2kki
8- fnaf series
9- roblox
10- hello charlotte series
isaac is the game i have the most hours on steam but its number 1 on the list mostly because of my youtube channel i had a while ago making it a game ill probably never forget about or stop playing entirely
i actually thought omori was number 1 for a while but its a close second because, while having me obsessed with it for the longest time, hasnt had as much of an effect as tboi but still very close
this one should be pretty self explanatory
portal 2 is just fun funny interesting and all the positive adjectives i could have for a game, put it as high as i could in the list, its also tradition for me to replay it at least once a year
this should be even more self explanatory too, put it as high as i could
i immedeatly jumped onto earthbound after finishing omori because i wanted more and thought it was my favourite game for a while, ive replayed like 5 times and its still one of the must fun games but i dont think i can put it any higher than that
yume nikki being this low might be kinda weird since its mostly what ive been branding myself with at art recently, while i love the games i feel like its a phase ill get out of soon so i dont think i can put it too high, i still love it tho
i wasnt really sure what to put to this spot but i think fnaf fits here, even though ive hated everything that came out since security breach i still enjoy the old games and help wanted a lot so i guess it could fit here
roblox is just really fun to mess around with friends in, there isnt really much more than that
the hello charlotte series is weird, while i really like the games story, characters and especially art a lot i feel like it has way too much flaws to put it any higher, the story is definetly not for everyone and the first game is a slog to get trough and all games have a bunch of mostly technical errors at times, i still really wanted to include it in this list, still definetly worth checking out if youre into rpgmaker stuff!!
thisll probably be the longest post i make here
playing too much yume 2kki this game is so good i swear this is gonna end up being the only thing i play this month
on the other hand being obsessed with a game literally no one else cares about isnt the best but i dont care i love this game
at least all the areas and effects are good drawing ideas i love drawing them
its currently 4:43 am and ive been adding this section for the last 15 minutes, great time to do it i know
ive had the idea to add this for a while now but never bothered to do it or didnt really know what id write either but whatever im doing it the websites been dead for too long
so uhh thats good enough for a first entry probably considering literally no ones gonna be seeing this ok bye